Page 15 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 15


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                             Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
                   nations to embrace the gospel. The brevity

               we have proposed to observe in this history

               prevents our entering into an ample detail of

               the dismal effects that arose from the progress

               and  the  baneful  influence  of  superstition,

               which had now become universal.”

               Again  he  says:  “A  whole  volume  would  be

               requisite  to  contain  an  enumeration  of  the

               various frauds which artful knaves practiced

               with  success,  to  delude  the  ignorant,  when

               true religion was almost entirely superseded

               by  horrid  superstition.”  —  Ecclesiastical

               History, 4th cent., part 2, chap. 3.

               This  extract  from  Mosheim  contains  a

               description of the period covered by the black

               horse of the third seal that answers accurately

               to  the  prophecy.  It  is  seen  by  this  how

               paganism was incorporated into Christianity,
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