Page 13 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 13
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
idle ceremonies multiplied almost every
day. Quantities of dust and earth brought from
Palestine, and other places remarkable for
their supposed sanctity, were handed about as
the most powerful remedies against the
violence of wicked spirits, and were sold and
bought everywhere at enormous prices. The
public processions and supplications by
which the pagans endeavored to appease their
gods, were now adopted into the Christian
worship, and celebrated in many places with
great pomp and magnificence. The virtues
which had formerly been ascribed to the
heathen temples, to their lustrations, to the
statues of their gods and heroes, were now
attributed to Christian churches, to water
consecrated by certain forms of prayer, and to
the images of holy men. And the same
privileges that the former enjoyed under the