Page 11 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 11


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                             Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
                   sprung  up  in  the  church.  Of  a  period

               immediately                     succeeding                   the          days            of

               Constantine, Mosheim says: —

               “Those vain fictions, which an attachment to

               the  Platonic  philosophy  and  to  popular

               opinions had engaged the greatest part of the

               Christian doctors to adopt before the time of

               Constantine,  were  now  confirmed,  enlarged,

               and embellished in various ways. Hence arose

               that  extravagant  veneration  for  departed

               saints, and those absurd notions of a certain

               fire destined to purify separate souls, that now

               prevailed, and of which the public marks were

               everywhere  to  be  seen.  Hence  also  the

               celibacy of priests, the worship of images and

               relics, which in process of time almost utterly

               destroyed  the  Christian  religion,  or  at  least

               eclipsed  its  luster,  and  corrupted  its  very
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