Page 12 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 12


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                             Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
                   essence in the most deplorable manner. An

               enormous train of superstitions was gradually

               substituted  for  true  religion  and  genuine

               piety. This odious revolution proceeded from

               a variety of causes. A ridiculous precipitation

               in  receiving  new  opinions,  a  preposterous

               desire  of  imitating  the  pagan  rites,  and  of

               blending  them  with  the  Christian  worship,

               and that idle propensity which the generality

               of  mankind  have  toward  a  gaudy  and

               ostentatious  religion,  all  contributed  to

               establish  the  reign  of  superstition  upon  the

               ruins  of  Christianity.  Accordingly,  frequent

               pilgrimages  were  undertaken  to  Palestine,

               and  to  the  tombs  of the  martyrs,  as  if there

               alone the sacred principles of virtue and the

               certain hope of salvation were to be acquired.

               The reins being once let loose to superstition,

               which knows no bounds, absurd notions and
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