Page 6 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 6


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                             Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
                   of faith in that age; and the crown which was

               given  to  the  rider,  and  his  going  forth

               conquering  and  to  make  still  further

               conquests, the zeal and success with which the

               truth  was  promulgated  by  its  earliest

               ministers.  To  this  it  is  objected  that  the

               ministers  of  Christ  and  the  progress  of  the

               gospel could not be properly represented by

               such  warlike  symbols.  But  we  ask,  By  what

               symbols could the work of Christianity better

               be  represented  when  it  went  forth  as  an

               aggressive principle against the huge systems

               of error with which it had at first to contend?

               The  rider  upon  this  horse  went  forth  —

               where?  His  commission  was  unlimited.  The

               gospel was to all the world.

               VERSE 3. And. when he had opened the second

               seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and
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