Page 5 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 5


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                             Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
                   moving, and engaging actively in the parts

               assigned them. The view which to us seems

               most consistent is that the book contained a

               record of events which were to transpire; and

               when the seals were broken, and the record

               was  brought  to  light,  the  scenes  were

               presented before John, not by the reading of

               the  description,  but  by  a  representation  of

               what was described in the book being made to

               pass  before his mind  in living  characters,  in

               the place where the reality was to transpire;

               namely, on the earth.

               The first symbol, a white horse, and the rider

               who  bears  a  bow,  and  to  whom  a  crown  is

               given, and who goes forth conquering and to

               conquer, is a fit emblem of the triumphs of the

               gospel in the first century of this dispensation.

               The whiteness of the horse denotes the purity
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