Page 4 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 4


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                             Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
                   was opened? or was it a pictorial illustration

               of the events which the book contained, and

               which was presented before him as the seals

               were             broken?               or         was           it       a       scenic

               representation which passed before him, the

               different actors coming forth and performing

               their parts? Barnes decides in favor of calling

               them  pictorial  illustrations;  for  he  thinks  a

               merely written description would not answer

               to  the  language  of  the  apostle  setting  forth

               what             he         saw,           and          a        mere            scenic

               representation could have no connection with

               the opening of the seals. But to the view held

               by  Dr.  Barnes  there  are  two  serious

               objections: (1) The book was said to contain

               only writing within, not pictorial illustrations;

               and (2) John saw the characters which made

               up  the  various  scenes,  not  fixed  and

               motionless  upon  canvas,  but  living  and
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