Page 3 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 3


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                             Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
                   events reaching down perhaps to the time of

               Constantine, and the seven trumpets another

               series  from  that  time  farther  on,  cannot  be

               correct.  The  trumpets  denote  a  series  of

               events  which  transpire  contemporaneously

               with the events of the seals, but of an entirely

               different character. A trumpet is a symbol of

               war; hence the trumpets denote great political

               commotions to take place among the nations

               during the gospel age. The seals denote events

               of  a  religious  character,  and  contain  the

               history of the church from the opening of the

               Christian era to the coming of Christ.

               Commentators  have  raised  a  question

               concerning the manner in which these scenes

               were represented before  the apostle. Was it

               merely  a  written  description  of  the  events

               which was read to him as each successive seal
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