Page 48 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 48


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                             Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
                   agitated  by  this  awful  convulsion.  Other

               earthquakes  may  have  been  as  severe  in

               particular localities, but no other one of which

               we  have  any  record,  combining  so  great  an

               extent with such a degree of severity, has ever

               been felt on this earth. It certainly supplies all

               the  conditions  necessary  to  constitute  it  a

               fitting event to mark the opening of the seal.

               The  Darkening  of  the  Sun.  —  Following  the

               earthquake,  it  is  announced  that  “the  sun

               became  black  as  sackcloth  of  hair.”    This

               portion  of  the  prediction  has  also  been

               fulfilled.  Into  a  detailed  account  of  the

               wonderful darkening of the sun, May 19, 1780,

               we  need  not  here  enter.  Most  persons  of

               general  reading,  it  is  presumed,  have  seen

               some  account  of  it.  The  following  detached
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