Page 52 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 52
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
which brought intense alarm and distress to
multitudes of minds, as well as dismay to the
brute creation, the fowls fleeing, bewildered,
to their roosts, and the birds to their nests, and
the cattle returning to their stalls. Indeed,
thousands of the good people of that day
became fully convinced that the end of all
things terrestrial had come.... The extent of
this darkness was also very remarkable. It was
observed at the most easterly regions of New
England; westward to the farthest parts of
Connecticut, and at Albany; to the southward,
it was observed all along the seacoast; and to
the north, as far as the American settlements
extended. It probably far exceeded these
boundaries, but the exact limits were never
positively known.” — Our First Century, by R.
M. Devens, pp. 89, 90.