Page 56 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 56
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
fall of rain, accompanied with a profuse
quantity of fine, black particles, in appearance
much like sulphur, both in smell and quality. A
sheet of clean paper held out in the rain was
rendered quite black wherever the drops fell
upon it; but when held near the fire, it turned
to a yellow color, and, when burned, it fizzed
on the paper like wet powder. So black did
these powdery particles turn everything upon
which they fell, that even the river was
covered with a black froth, which, when
skimmed off the surface, resembled the lather
of soap, with this difference, that it was more
greasy, and its color as black as ink. At seven
in the evening the air was more clear. This
phenomenon was observed throughout a vast
region of country; and though various
conjectures were indulged in as to the cause of
so extraordinary an occurrence, the same