Page 58 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 58


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                             Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
                   out of existence, the darkness could not have

               been more complete. A sheet of white paper

               held  within  a  few  inches  of  the  eyes,  was

               equally invisible with the blackest velvet.” —

               Mr.  Tenney,  of  Exeter,  N.  H.,  quoted  by  Mr.

               Gage to the “Historical Society.”

               Dr. Adams, already quoted, wrote concerning

               the night following the dark day: —

               “Almost every one who happened to be out in

               the  evening  got  lost  in  going  home.  The

               darkness was as uncommon in the night as it

               was in the day, as the moon had fulled the day


               This  statement  respecting  the  phase  of  the

               moon proves the impossibility of an eclipse of

               the sun at that time.
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