Page 87 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 87


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                             Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
                   eternal  law,  and  the  earth  shook.  He  is  to

               speak again, and not only the earth will shake,

               but the heavens also. Then will the earth “reel

               to  and  fro  like  a  drunkard;”  it  will  be

               “dissolved” and “utterly broken down” (Isaiah

               24);  mountains  will  move  from  their  firm

               bases;  islands  will  suddenly  change  their

               location in the midst of the sea; from the level

               plain  will  arise  the  precipitous  mountain;

               rocks will thrust up their ragged forms from

               earth’s broken surface; and while the voice of

               God  is  reverberating  through  the  earth,  the

               direst  confusion  will  reign  over  the  face  of


               To show that this is no mere conception of the

               imagination, the reader is requested to mark

               the  exact  phraseology  which  some  of  the

               prophets have used in reference to this time.
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