Page 89 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 89


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                             Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
                   Then  will  the  world’s  dream  of  carnal

               security  be  effectually  broken.  Kings,  who,

               intoxicated with their own earthly authority,

               have never dreamed of a higher power than

               themselves, now realize that there is One who

               reigns King of kings; and the great men behold

               the vanity of all earthly pomp, for there is a

               greatness  above  that  of  earth;  and  the  rich

               men throw their silver and gold to the moles

               and bats, for it cannot save them in that day;

               and the chief captains forget their little brief

               authority,  and  the  mighty  men  their  might;

               and every bondman who is in the still worse

               bondage  of  sin,  and  every  freeman,  —  all

               classes of the wicked, from the highest to the

               lowest,  —  join  in  the  general  wail  of

               consternation  and  despair.  They  who  never

               prayed  to  Him  whose  arm  could  bring

               salvation,  now  raise  an  agonizing  prayer  to
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