Page 25 - 07 History of the Seals
P. 25
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
signs. When they begin to appear, redemption
draweth nigh; when all have appeared,
redemption is nigh, “even at the door.” Those
who endured the afflictions of the Dark Ages,
who had seen friends tortured on the rack, or
burned at the stake; or had themselves
endured imprisonment or persecution, when
the light of the Reformation scattered the
darkness, were bidden to look forward; for the
morning star was to be seen. A little later came
the darkening of the sun. Then they were
encouraged to lift up the head, for
“redemption draweth nigh.” Those living since
the fulfillment of all the signs, should rejoice;
for “He is even at the door.” One characteristic
of the darkening of the sun, which is given as
a sign of His coming, is found in Joel 3:15. That