Page 22 - 07 History of the Seals
P. 22


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               time  of  Christ;  the  other  four  are  Matthew,

               Mark, Luke, and John, three of whom repeat

               the words given by the Saviour Himself. The

               description  of  the  signs  in  the  heavenly

               bodies, given by these eight writers, points out

               at        least           thirteen               peculiarities,                   which

               unmistakably indicate the time and nature of

               their occurrence. The time when men might

               look  for  signs  in  the  heavens  is  given  by

               Matthew.  He  says,  “Immediately  after  the

               tribulation  of  those  days  shall  the  sun  be

               darkened,  and  the  moon  shall  not  give  her

               light,”  etc.  The  “tribulation  of  those  days”  is

               the  period  of  darkness  and  persecution,

               known  as  the  “abomination  of  desolation

               spoken of by Daniel the prophet” It began with

               the establishment of the papacy in 538 a. d.,
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