Page 31 - 07 History of the Seals
P. 31


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               by John. They should fall from heaven “as a fig

               tree  casteth  her  untimely  figs,  when  she  is

               shaken  of  a  mighty  wind.”  Extensive  and

               magnificent  showers  of  shooting  stars  have

               been  known  to  occur  at  various  places  in

               modern  times;  but  the  most  universal  and

               wonderful  which  has  ever  been  recorded  is

               that of the 13th of November, 1833, the whole

               firmament,  over  all  the  United  States,  being

               then for hours in fiery commotion. As a fig tree

               covered  with  green  fruit  being  violently

               shaken  sends  the  fruit  in  all  directions,  so

               from  one  center  in  the  sky,  the  stars  fell  in

               showers in every direction.

               Since 1755 the inhabitants of the earth have

               been living under the sixth seal. In the heavens

               and on the earth, signs have appeared, which
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