Page 32 - 07 History of the Seals
P. 32


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               show that time is short. This period has been

               a time of great intellectual light. Men, by their

               discoveries and inventions, have made rapid

               transit  and  speedy  communication  between

               different lands possible. Since “the tribulation

               of  those  days,”  the  light  of  truth  has  been

               shining in steady rays upon God’s people. At

               no  time,  save  when  Christ  was  born,  has

               greater light shone upon the world. Some will

               accept  a  spiritual  life,  while  others  will  find

               very soon that should the Lord come, it would

               be to them a time of darkness and despair. The

               sixth seal looks forward to the very end, when

               the heavens depart as a scroll rolled together;

               and  when  the  mountains  and  islands  are

               moved out of their places. When sin entered

               the world, the course of nature was changed.
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