Page 14 - 00 Introduction
P. 14


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                   increase  of  knowledge  concerning  those

               prophecies that are designed to give us light in

               reference to the age in which we live, the close

               of  this  dispensation,  and  the  soon-coming

               transfer  of  all  earthly  governments  to  the

               great  King  of  Righteousness,  who  shall

               destroy  his  enemies,  and  crown  with  an

               infinite reward every one of his friends. The

               fulfillment of the prophecy in the increase of

               this knowledge, is one of the pleasing signs of

               the present time. For more than half a century,

               light  upon  the  prophetic  word  has  been

               increasing,  and  shining  with  ever-growing

               luster to our own day.

               11.  In no  portion  of  the  word of God is  this

               more apparent than in the books of Daniel and

               the Revelation; and we may well congratulate

               ourselves  on  this,  for  no  other  parts  of  that

               word  deal  so  largely  in  prophecies  that
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