Page 18 - 00 Introduction
P. 18


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                   by John on Patmos eighteen hundred years

               ago;  and  these  movements  —  hear  it,  ye

               children  of  men  —  are  the  last  political

               revolutions  to  be  accomplished  before  this

               earth  plunges  into  her  final  time  of  trouble,

               and Michael, the great Prince, stands up, and

               his people, all who are found written  in the

               book,  are  crowned  with  full  and  final

               deliverance. Daniel 12:1, 2.

               15.  Are  these  things  so?  “Seek,”  says  our

               Saviour, “and ye shall find; knock, and it shall

               be opened unto you.” God has not so concealed

               his  truth  that  it  will elude  the  search  of  the

               humble seeker.

               With a prayer that the same Spirit by which

               those  portions  of  Scripture  which  form  the

               basis of this volume were at first inspired, and

               whose  aid  the  writer  has  sought  in  his

               expository efforts, may rest abundantly upon
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