Page 23 - 00 Introduction
P. 23
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
advantage of maintaining from earliest
youth strict integrity toward God, and
furnishes a notable instance of a man’s
maintaining eminent piety, and faithfully
discharging all the duties that pertain to the
service of God, while at the same time
engaging in the most stirring activities, and
bearing the weightiest cares and
responsibilities that can devolve upon men in
this earthly life.
What a rebuke is his course to many at the
present day, who, having not a hundredth part
of the cares to absorb their time and engross
their attention that he had, yet plead as an
excuse for their almost utter neglect of
Christian duties, that they have no time for
them. What will the God of Daniel say to such,
when he comes to reward his servants