Page 25 - 00 Introduction
P. 25


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                   His prophecy is, in many respects, the most

               remarkable of any in the sacred record. It is

               the  most  comprehensive.  It  was  the  first

               prophecy giving a consecutive history of the

               world from that time to the end. It located the

               most  of  its  predictions  within  well-defined

               prophetic  periods,  though  reaching  many

               centuries  into  the  future.  It  gave  the  first

               definite chronological prophecy of the coming

               of the Messiah. It marked the time of this event

               so definitely that the Jews forbid any attempt

               to interpret its numbers, since that prophecy

               shows them to be without excuse in rejecting

               Christ; and so accurately had its minute and

               literal predictions been fulfilled down to the

               time of Porphyry, A. D. 250, that he declared

               (the  only  loophole  he  could  devise  for  his

               hard-pressed skepticism) that the predictions

               were  not  written  in  the  age  of  Babylon,  but
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