Page 21 - 00 Introduction
P. 21


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                   can hide from thee.” Ezekiel 28:3. But above

               all, our Lord recognized him as a prophet of

               God,  and  bade  his  disciples  understand  the

               predictions given through him for the benefit

               of his church: “When ye therefore shall see the

               abomination  of  desolation,  spoken  of  by

               Daniel  the  prophet,  stand  in  the  holy  place

               (whoso readeth, let him understand), then let

               them  which  be  in  Judea  flee  into  the

               mountains.” Matthew 24:15, 16.

               Though we have a more minute account of his

               early life than is recorded of that of any other

               prophet, yet his birth and lineage are left in

               complete obscurity, except that he was of the

               royal  line,  probably  of  the  house  of  David,

               which  had  at  this  time  become  very

               numerous. He first appears as one of the noble

               captives  of  Judah,  in  the  first  year  of

               Nebuchadnezzar,  king  of  Babylon,  at  the
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