Page 22 - 00 Introduction
P. 22


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                   commencement  of  the  seventy  years’

               captivity,  B.  C.  606.  Jeremiah  and  Habakkuk

               were  yet  uttering  their  prophecies.  Ezekiel

               commenced  soon  after,  and  a  little  later,

               Obadiah; but  both these  finished their  work

               years before the close of the long and brilliant

               career  of  Daniel.  Three  prophets  only

               succeeded  him,  Haggai  and  Zechariah,  who

               exercised  the  prophetic  office  for  a  brief

               period contemporaneously, B. C. 520-518, and

               Malachi,  the  last  of  the  Old-Testament

               prophets, who flourished a little season about

               B. C. 397.

               During the seventy years’ captivity of the Jews,

               B.  C.  606-536,  predicted  by  Jeremiah  (Jer.

               25:11), Daniel resided at the court of Babylon,

               most  of  the  time  prime  minister  of  that

               brilliant  monarchy.  His  life  affords  a  most

               impressive  lesson  of  the  importance  and
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