Page 24 - 00 Introduction
P. 24
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
impartially, according to their improvement
or neglect of the opportunities offered them?
But it is not alone nor chiefly his connection
with the Chaldean monarchy, the glory of
kingdoms, that perpetuates the memory of
Daniel, and covers his name with honor. From
the height of its glory he saw that kingdom
decline, and pass into other hands. Its period
of greatest prosperity was embraced within
the limits of the lifetime of one man. So brief
was its supremacy, so transient its glory. But
Daniel was entrusted with more enduring
honors. While beloved and honored by the
princes and potentates of Babylon, he enjoyed
an infinitely higher exaltation, in being
beloved and honored by God and his holy
angels, and admitted to a knowledge of the
counsels of the Most High.