Page 26 - 00 Introduction
P. 26


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                   after the events themselves had transpired.

               This shift, however, is not now available; for

               every             succeeding                   century               has          borne

               additional evidence to the truthfulness of the

               prophecy,  and  we  are  just  now,  in  our  own

               day, approaching the climax of its fulfilment.

               The  personal  history  of  Daniel  reaches  to  a

               date a few years subsequent to the subversion

               of the Babylonian kingdom by the Medes and

               Persians.  He  is  supposed  to  have  died  at

               Shushan, or Susa, in Persia, about the year B.

               C. 530, aged nearly ninety-four years; his age

               being  the  probable  reason  why  he  returned

               not  to  Judea  with  other  Hebrew  captives,

               under the proclamation of Cyrus (Ezra 1:1), B.

               C. 536, which marked the close of the seventy

               years’ captivity.
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