Page 7 - 00 Introduction
P. 7


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

               2. The coming to pass of these great events has

               been but the response of history to what the

               prophecies had declared. And thus amid the

               ever-present                     evidences                 of        the          short-

               sightedness  of  men,  and  the  ever-recurring

               failures  of  human  schemes,  a  voice  has

               continually  gone  up  from  earth  to  heaven,

               “The word of the Lord endureth forever.”

               3. It is for the purpose of calling attention to

               some of these important prophetico-historical

               lessons, if we may be permitted to coin a word,

               that this volume is written. And the books of

               Daniel and the Revelation are chosen for this

               purpose,  because  in  some  respects  their

               prophecies  are  more  direct  than  are  to  be

               found elsewhere upon the prophetic page, and

               the  fulfilments  more  striking.  The  object

               before  us  is  threefold:  (1)  To  gain  an
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