Page 8 - 00 Introduction
P. 8


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                   understanding  of  the  wonderful  testimony

               of  the  books  themselves;  (2)  To  acquaint

               ourselves with some of the more interesting

               and  important  events  in  the  history  of

               civilized nations, and mark how accurately the

               prophecies, some of them depending upon the

               developments  of  the  then  far-distant  future,

               and  upon  conditions  the  most  minute  and

               complicated,  have  been  fulfilled  in  these

               events;  and  (3)  To  draw  from  these  things

               important  lessons  relative  to  practical

               Christian duties, which were not given for past

               ages  merely,  but  are  for  the  learning  and

               admonition of the world to-day.

               4. The books of Daniel and the Revelation are

               counterparts  of  each  other.  They  naturally

               stand  side  by  side,  and  should  be  studied

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