Page 18 - 02 The Great Image
P. 18


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   show  us  that,  as  is  sometimes  the  case,

               prayers  are  not  unavailing  though  not

               immediately answered. Some think the matter

               was made known to Daniel by his dreaming

               the  same  dream  that  Nebuchadnezzar  had

               dreamed;  but  Matthew  Henry  considers  it

               more probable that “when he was awake, and

               continuing instant in prayer, and watching in

               the  same,  the  dream  itself  and  the

               interpretation  of  it  were  communicated  to

               him by the ministry of an angel, abundantly to

               his  satisfaction.”  The  words,  “night  vision,”

               mean anything that is seen, whether through

               dreams or visions.

               Daniel immediately offered up praise to God

               for his gracious dealing with them; and while

               his  prayer  is  not  preserved,  his  responsive

               thanksgiving is fully recorded. God is honored
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