Page 25 - 04 Nebuchadnezzar's Decree
P. 25


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                      Chapter 4 – Nebuchadnezzar’s Decree
                   The  promise  was  (verse  26)  that  his

               kingdom should be sure unto him. During his

               insanity,  his  son,  Evil-merodach,  is  said  to

               have reigned as regent in his stead. Daniel’s

               interpretation  of  the  dream  was  doubtless

               well  understood  throughout  the  palace,  and

               was  probably  more  or  less  the  subject  of

               conversation.                      Hence               the           return               of

               Nebuchadnezzar  to  his  kingdom  must  have

               been anticipated, and looked for with interest.

               Why he was permitted to make his home in

               the open field in so forlorn a condition, instead

               of  being  comfortably  cared  for  by  the

               attendants of the palace, we are not informed.

               It  is  supposed  that  he  dexterously  escaped

               from the palace, and eluded all search.

               The  affliction  had  its  designed  effect.  The

               lesson  of  humility  was  learned.  He  did  not
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