Page 27 - 04 Nebuchadnezzar's Decree
P. 27


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                      Chapter 4 – Nebuchadnezzar’s Decree
                   Thus closed the life of this remarkable man.

               With  all  the  temptations  incident  to  his

               exalted position as king, may we not suppose

               that  God  saw  in  him  honesty  of  heart,

               integrity,  and  purity  of  purpose,  which  he

               could use to the glory of his name? Hence his

               wonderful  dealings  with  him,  all  of  which

               seem to have been designed to wean him from

               his false religion, and attach him to the service

               of the true God. We have, first, his dream of the

               great image, containing such a valuable lesson

               for  the  people  of  all  coming  generations.

               Secondly,  his  experience  with  Shadrach,

               Meshach,  and  Abed-nego  in  reference  to  his

               golden image, wherein he was again led to an

               acknowledgment of the supremacy of the true

               God.  And  lastly,  we  have  the  wonderful

               incidents  recorded  in  this  chapter,  showing

               the still unceasing efforts of the Lord to bring
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