Page 3 - 04 Nebuchadnezzar's Decree
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~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 4 – Nebuchadnezzar’s Decree
has done for them in the way of benefits and
blessings. We ought to be no less ready to tell
what God has done for us in the way of
humiliation and chastisements; and
Nebuchadnezzar sets us a good example in
this respect, as we shall see from the
subsequent portions of this chapter. He
frankly confesses the vanity and pride of his
heart, and the means that God took to abase
him. With a genuine spirit of repentance and
humiliation, he thinks it good, of his own free
will, to show these things, that the sovereignty
of God may be extolled, and his name adored.
In reference to the kingdom, he no longer
claims immutability for his own, but makes a
full surrender to God, in acknowledging his
kingdom alone to be everlasting, and his
dominion from generation to generation.