Page 8 - 04 Nebuchadnezzar's Decree
P. 8


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                      Chapter 4 – Nebuchadnezzar’s Decree
                   monarch as Nebuchadnezzar? He had been a

               warrior  from  his  youth.  With  the  perils  of

               battle, the terrors of slaughter and carnage, he

               had  often  stood  face  to  face,  and  his

               countenance had not blanched, nor his nerves

               trembled. And what should make him afraid

               now? No foe threatened, no hostile cloud was

               visible. As the most unlikely time was taken

               for him to be touched with fear, so the most

               unlikely  means  was  selected  by  which  to

               accomplish it — a dream. His own thoughts,

               and the visions of his own head, were taken to

               teach  him  what  nothing  else  could,  —  a

               salutary  lesson  of  dependence  and  humility.

               He  who  had  terrified  others,  but  whom  no

               others  could  terrify,  was  made  a  terror  to

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