Page 9 - 04 Nebuchadnezzar's Decree
P. 9


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                      Chapter 4 – Nebuchadnezzar’s Decree
                   3.  A  still  greater  humiliation  than  that

               narrated in the second chapter was brought

               upon the magicians. There, they boasted that

               if they only had the dream, they could make

               known                    the              interpretation.                          Here,

               Nebuchadnezzar  distinctly  remembers  the

               dream, but meets the mortification of having

               his  magicians  ignominiously  fail  him  again.

               They             could             not           make              known               the

               interpretation, and resort is again had to the

               prophet of God.

               4. The remarkable illustration of the reign of

               Nebuchadnezzar. This is symbolized by a tree

               in  the  midst  of  the  earth.  Babylon,  where

               Nebuchadnezzar  reigned,  was  about  in  the

               center  of  the  then  known  world.  The  tree

               reached unto heaven, and the leaves thereof

               were fair. Its external glory and splendor were
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