Page 13 - 04 Nebuchadnezzar's Decree
P. 13


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                      Chapter 4 – Nebuchadnezzar’s Decree
                   placed. A man may be a successful monarch,

               but he should not pride himself upon that; for

               unless  the  Lord  had  set  him  up,  he  would

               never have reached this position of honor.

               8.         Nebuchadnezzar                           acknowledges                       the

               supremacy of the true God over the heathen

               oracles.  He  appeals  to  Daniel  to  solve  the

               mystery.  “Thou  art  able,”  he  says;  “for  the

               spirit  of  the  holy  gods  is  in  thee.”  The

               Septuagint has the singular, the Spirit of the

               holy God.
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