Page 29 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 29


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
                   2.  The  life  of  the  fourth  beast  is  not

               prolonged after its dominion is gone, as were

               the  lives  of  the  preceding  beasts.  Their

               dominion was taken away, but their lives were

               prolonged  for  a  season.  The  territory  and

               subjects  of  the  Babylonian  kingdom  still

               existed, though made subject to the Persians.

               So of the Persian kingdom in respect to Grecia,

               and  of  Grecia  in  respect  to  Rome.  But  what

               succeeds  the  fourth  kingdom?    —  No

               government  or  state  in  which  mortals  have

               any part. Its career ends in the lake of fire, and

               it  has  no  existence  beyond.  The  lion  was

               merged  into  the  bear;  the  bear  into  the

               leopard; the leopard into the fourth beast; and

               the  fourth  beast  into  what?  —  Not  into

               another beast; but it is cast into the lake of fire,

               under which destruction it rests till men shall

               suffer the second death. Then let no one talk
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