Page 24 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 24


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
                   θρόνος ἔκειτο and ה ָרָי No. 2.” The Analytical

               Hebrew  and  Chaldee  Lexicon,  by  Davidson,

               also gives to this word the definition “to set, to

               place,” and refers to Daniel 7:9 as an example

               of  its  use  in  this  sense.  Why  this  word  was

               used to express the idea here intended may

               perhaps  be  learned  from  the  following  note

               found  in  the  Cottage  Bible:  “Ver.  9.  The

               thrones  were  cast  down.  Wintle,  ‘Were

               placed.’ So Boothroyd. But both come to the

               same  meaning.  The  Asiatics  have  neither

               chairs  nor  stools,  but,  to  receive  persons  of

               rank,  ‘cast  down,’  or  ‘place,’  cushions  round

               the  room  for  seats,  which  seems  to  be  here

               alluded  to.  See  Matthew  19:28;  Revelation

               20:4.” Dr. Clarke says that the word “might be

               translated erected; so the Vulgate, positi sunt

               [were  placed],  and  so  all  the  versions.”  The

               Septuagint has ἐτέθησαν (etethesan), which is
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