Page 36 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 36


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
                   astonished at this fourth beast, so unnatural

               and dreadful; for the further we come down

               the stream of time, the further it is necessary

               to depart from nature in forming symbols to

               represent                  accurately                 the          degenerating

               governments  of  this  earth.  The  lion  is  a

               production  of  nature;  but  it  must  have  the

               unnatural addition of two wings’ to represent

               the kingdom of Babylon. The bear we also find

               in nature; but as a symbol of Medo-Persia an

               unnatural  ferocity  must  be  denoted  by  the

               insertion of three ribs into its mouth. So the

               leopard  is  a  beast  of  nature;  but  fitly  to

               represent  Grecia  there  is  a  departure  from

               nature in respect to wings, and the number of

               heads. But nature furnishes no symbol which

               can fitly illustrate the fourth kingdom. A beast

               the likeness of which never was seen, is taken;

               a  beast  dreadful  and  terrible,  with  nails  of
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