Page 40 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 40


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
                   massacres, and religious wars excited by the

               church and bishop of Rome, have occasioned

               the shedding of far more blood of the saints of

               the Most High, than all the enmity, hostility,

               and persecutions of professed heathens from

               the foundation of the world.

               In verse 22 three consecutive events seem to

               be  brought  to  view.  Daniel,  looking  onward

               from the time when the little horn was in the

               height of its power, to the full end of the long

               contest between the saints and Satan with all

               his agents, notes three prominent events that

               stand  as  mile-posts  along  the  way.    (1)  The

               coming  of  the  Ancient  of  days;  that  is,  the

               position which Jehovah takes in the opening of

               the judgment scene described in verses 9, 10.

               (2) The judgment that is given to the saints;

               that is, the time when the saints sit with Christ
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