Page 43 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 43


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
                   We have here further particulars respecting

               the fourth beast and the little horn.

               Perhaps  enough  has  already  been  said

               respecting  the  fourth  beast  (Rome)  and  the

               ten  horns,  or  ten  kingdoms,  which  arose

               therefrom.  The  little  horn  now  more

               particularly demands attention. As stated on

               verse 8, we find the fulfillment of the prophecy

               concerning this horn in the rise and work of

               the papacy. It is a matter of both interest and

               importance,  therefore,  to  inquire  into  the

               causes which resulted in the development of

               this anti-Christian power.

               The first pastors or bishops of Rome enjoyed

               a respect proportionate to the rank of the city

               in  which  they  resided;  and  for  the  first  few

               centuries of the Christian era, Rome was the

               largest, richest, and most powerful city in the
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