Page 48 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 48
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
power, and that in reaching this position it
would subdue three kings.
Some difference of opinion has existed in
regard to the particular powers which were
overthrown in the interest of the papacy, in
reference to which the following remark by
Albert Barnes seems very pertinent: “In the
confusion that existed on the breaking up of
the Roman empire, and the imperfect
accounts of the transactions which occurred
in the rise of the papal power, it would not be
wonderful if it should be difficult to find
events distinctly recorded that would be in all
respects an accurate and absolute fulfillment
of the vision. Yet it is possible to make out the
fulfillment of this with a good degree of
certainty in the history of the papacy.” —
Notes on Daniel 7.