Page 53 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 53


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
                   of jealousy and hatred; and the reproach of

               barbarian was embittered by the more odious

               epithet  of  heretic.  The  heroes  of  the  North,

               who had submitted, with some reluctance, to

               believe  that  all  their  ancestors  were  in  hell,

               were astonished and exasperated to learn that

               they themselves had only changed the mode

               of their eternal condemnation.”

               The reader is requested to consider carefully

               a few more historical statements which throw

               some  light  on  the  situation  at  this  time.

               Stanley (History of the Eastern Church, p. 151)

               says: “The whole of the vast Gothic population

               which descended on the Roman empire, so far

               as it was Christian at all, held to the faith of the

               Alexandrian  heretic.  Our  first  Teutonic

               version  of  the  Scriptures  was  by  an  Arian

               missionary,  Ulfilas.  The  first  conqueror  of
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