Page 54 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 54
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
Rome, Alaric, and the first conqueror of
Africa, Genseric, were Arians. Theodoric, the
great king of Italy, and hero of the ‘Nibelungen
Lied,’ was an Arian. The vacant place in his
massive tomb at Ravenna is a witness of the
vengeance which the Orthodox took on his
memory, when, in their triumph, they tore
down the porphyry vase in which his Arian
subjects had enshrined his ashes.”
Ranke, in his History of the Popes (London,
edition of 1871), Vol. I, p. 9, says: “But she [the
church] fell, as was inevitable, into many
embarrassments, and found herself in an
entirely altered condition. A pagan people
took possession of Britain; Arian kings seized
the greater part of the remaining West; while
the Lombards, long attached to Arianism, and,
as neighbors, most dangerous and hostile,