Page 59 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 59
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
of Italy. Accordingly, after a three years’ war,
the Herulian kingdom in Italy was
overthrown, Odoacer was treacherously slain,
and Theodoric established his Ostrogoths in
the Italian peninsula. As already stated he was
an Arian, and the law of Odoacer subjecting
the election of the pope to the approval of the
king, was still retained.
The following incident will show how
completely the papacy was in subjection to his
power. The Catholics in the East, having
commenced a persecution against the Arians
in 523, Theodoric summoned Pope John into
his presence, and thus addressed him: “If the
emperor [Justin, the predecessor of Justinian]
does not think fit to revoke the edict which he
has lately issued against those of my
persuasion [that is, the Arians], it is my firm