Page 62 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 62
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
since he could not, he says, “sacrifice himself
without sacrificing, at the same time, the far
greater part of the innocent Catholics in the
West, who were either subject to King
Theodoric, or to other Arian princes in
alliance with him.” It is certain that the pope
and the other ambassadors were treated with
severity on their return, which Bower
explains on this wise: “Others arraign them all
of high treason; and truly the chief men of
Rome were suspected at this very time of
carrying on a treasonable correspondence
with the court of Constantinople, and
machinating the ruin of the Gothic empire in
Italy.” — Id., p. 326.
The feelings of the papal party toward
Theodoric may be accurately estimated,
according to a quotation already given, by the