Page 67 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 67
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
dream appeared to him in which he was
bidden “not to shrink from the execution of his
design; for by assisting the Christians he
would overthrow the power of the Vandals.”
— Evagrius’s Ecclesiastical History, Book
chap. 16.
Listen again to Mosheim: “It is true that the
Greeks who had received the decrees of the
Council of Nicaea [that is, the Catholics],
persecuted and oppressed the Arians
wherever their influence and authority could
reach; but the Nicenians, in their turn, were
not less rigorously treated by their
adversaries [the Arians], particularly in Africa
and Italy, where they felt, in a very severe
manner, the weight of the Arian power, and
the bitterness of hostile resentment. The
triumphs of Arianism were, however,