Page 68 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 68


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
                   transitory,  and  its  prosperous  days  were

               entirely  eclipsed  when  the  Vandals  were

               driven out of Africa, and the Goths out of Italy,

               by  the  arms  of  Justinian.”  —  Mosheim’s

               Church History, cent. 6, part 2, chap. 5, sec. 3.

               Elliott, in his Horae Apocalypticae, makes two

               enumerations of the ten kingdoms which rose

               out of the Roman empire, varying the second

               list  from  the  first  according  to  the  changes

               which had taken place at the later period to

               which  the  second  list  applies.  His  first  list

               differs  from  that  mentioned  in  remarks  on

               chap. 2:42, only in that he put the Allemanni in

               place of the Huns, and the Bavarians in place

               of  the  Lombards,  a  variation  which  can  be

               easily  accounted  for.  But  out  of  this  list  he

               names the three that were plucked up before

               the papacy, in these words: “I might cite three
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