Page 70 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 70


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
                   “Vicegerent  of  the  Son  of  God,”  “Our  Lord

               God,  the  Pope,”  “Another  God  upon  earth,”

               “King of the world,” “King of kings and Lord of

               lords.”  Said  Pope  Nicholas  to  Emperor

               Michael,  “The  pope,  who  is  called  God  by

               Constantine, can never be bound or released

               by man; for God cannot be judged by man.” Is

               there  need  of  bolder  blasphemy  than  this?

               Listen  also  to  the  adulation  the  popes  have

               received from their followers without rebuke.

               A Venetian prelate in the fourth session of the

               Lateran, addressed the pope as follows: “Thou

               art  our  Shepherd,  our  Physician,  in  short,  a

               second  God  upon  earth.”  Another  bishop

               called him “the lion of the tribe of Judah, the

               promised Saviour.” Lord Anthony Pucci, in the

               fifth Lateran, said to the pope, “The sight of thy

               divine majesty does not a little terrify me; for

               I  am  not  ignorant  that  all  power  both  in
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