Page 61 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 61


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
                   and till you have, nay, till the Catholics [this

               name  Theodoric  applies  to  the  Arians]  are

               restored to the free exercise of their religion,

               and to all the churches from which they have

               been driven, you must not think of returning

               to Italy.” — Bower’s History of the Popes, Vol.

               I, p. 325.

               The pope who was thus peremptorily ordered

               not to set his foot again upon Italian soil until

               he  had  carried  out  the  will  of  the  king,

               certainly               could             not          hope            for         much

               advancement toward any kind of supremacy

               till  that  power  was  taken  out  of  the  way.

               Baronius, according to Bower, will have it that

               the pope sacrificed himself on this occasion,

               and advised the emperor not by any means to

               comply  with  the  demand  the  king  had  sent

               him. But Mr. Bower thinks this inconsistent,
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