Page 50 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 50


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
                   constituted one of the ten kingdoms, three of

               which were to be plucked up before the little


               But we apprehend that the chief difficulty in

               the  application  made  by  these  eminent

               commentators,  lay  in  the  fact  that  they

               supposed  that  the  prophecy  respecting  the

               exaltation of the papacy had not been fulfilled,

               and could not have been, till the pope became

               a temporal prince; and hence they sought to

               find an accomplishment of the prophecy in the

               events  which  led  to  the  pope’s  temporal

               sovereignty. Whereas, evidently, the prophecy

               of verses 24, 25 refers, not to his civil power,

               but to his power to domineer over the minds

               and consciences of men; and the pope reached

               this position, as will hereafter appear, in A. D.

               538; and the plucking up of the three horns
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